AJ produkter


UI/UX solutions
User Experience and User Interface design

Creating solutions for e-commerce website AJ Produkter.

For AJ produkter I worked on adapting numerous UI/UX solutions to their current CMS platform. This included lots of prototyping, working in an agile environment and creating best fit UI/UX deliverables for developers.

The process of this project:
1. Analyse current problem; 
2. Find numerous  solutions;
3. Create user flow;
4. Wireframe;
5. Hi-fi prototype;
6. Test solutions on users;
7. Create awesome deliverables. 

Tools used in this project:
– Adobe XD;
– Adobe Illustrator;
– Zeplin.

– Adapting to a system that is not flexible;
– Being limited to create a more appealing design for users.

Below you can see some of those UX solutions presented.

Private/Business switch and basket solution

Highlight the private and business button and adapt it to current design. Make sure the user notices current position. This had also been tested for usability and is launched in Austria and Germany.

Deliverable in Zeplin


Product highlight solution

Highlight product and sections for user.

Highlight furniture series on landing page and modifying the product page

Make a more delicate approach on highlighting series for visitors.

Filter solution

Highlight series while searching a product. Letting users find series has been a pain point and much due to the limitations faced on the code side which is why this solution was best fitted. In my solution you can notice 2 versions where series are placed to the very right side of the search window with keywords and pictures that stimulate and trigger inspiration, then outside this window I presented another version in case we were limited to having images.

The first solution was implemented and deployed.



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