Svensk Travsport
Conducting design studios and creating design solutions
Sketches | Design Studio | Wireframes | Prototypes
The main task in this project was to create a responsive website using older elements and a slightly changed style guide. Based on earlier research, effect mapping and workshops we came to a conclusion that this new website and portal should have hints of the older version, but shall not totally differ. Regular users have strong habits and reacted very negative to changes made before, that is why we decided to gradually introduce changes to reduce the User’s stress level. Workshops and Design Studios were conducted in the process. We used out personas to map our main audience and proceeded in discovering their needs.
- Identify main users for landing page and portal;
- Table and filter design solutions;
– Adobe XD;
– Paper and pen;
– Power Point.
Design Studio and workshop
Power point presentations

Some sketches from the design studio.
Sketches and solutions

Landing page, Table solutions, Category page
Wireframes and Prototypes
Responsive table solution